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Botany Illustrated Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering Plant Families  Empty Botany Illustrated Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering Plant Families

Lun 22 Mar 2021 - 21:14
Botany Illustrated Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering Plant Families  197344606_y39a187csr0h

Botany Illustrated Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering Plant Families by Janice Glimn-Lacy, Peter B Kaufman
pdf | 21.02 MB | English | Isbn:978-0387288703 |Author: Janice Glimn-Lacy | Page: 291 | Year: 2006[/center]


This easy-to-use book helps make learning botany fun and helps you acquire a wealth of fascinating information about plants. There are 130 pages with text, each facing a page of beautiful illustrations. Each pair covers a separate subject. The illustration pages are composed of scientifically accurate, true-to-life drawings of plants drawn from live specimens. Using colored pencils and the authors' instructions, readers can color the various plant structures to stand out in vivid clarity. Your knowledge of plants increases rapidly as you color the illustrations.


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