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Nibu v1.05 (2019) PLAZA Empty Nibu v1.05 (2019) PLAZA

Sáb 26 Ene 2019 - 15:51
Nibu v1.05 (2019) PLAZA C366bbd67df4dd1abfcb2dc48263748e
Nibu v1.05 (2019) PLAZA |Size: 3.48 GB
Genre: Action, Adventure, Strategy,
Developer: Eucyd Studios
Publisher: Eucyd Studios
Release Date: 17 Jan, 2019
Languages: English

Nibû is a real-time strategy game set in the ancient near east.
Choose between 3 different allied factions, build your base and hold on to the oncoming hordes of the enemies. Be challenged by different 3 different scenarios.

War has brought ruin upon the world of the Ashur Union. The allied "Horde" has destroyed a large part of their standing army and is winning decisively.
The few battles that decide their fate are in your hands!

RTS Style unit control and construction
Fight enemies on an epic scale with hordes of enemies attacking your base
Unique nemesis' that challenge specific skills and management
Fortify your base and lay out traps
Full control over your economy, assign units to farms, agriculture, forests and mines
Build large cities, sustain your economy
Recruit large armies to dominate your foes
Protect your Captiol
Defend yourself from armies and hordes that grow continuously stronger and require more tactical maneuvers to beat

System Requirements:
OS: 64-Bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, or Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i3-4340 @ 3.60GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1600
Graphics: nVidia GTX750 TI , AMD Radeon R9 270
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 4 GB available space


Nibu v1.05 (2019) PLAZA 3b910e2833d2abe76f213d29376f4b81
Nibu v1.05 (2019) PLAZA 49b0d45d14bce6c827b6b5c36f83ea3e
Nibu v1.05 (2019) PLAZA Ec1e42184580d4501a239387c02c576e

Nibu v1.05 (2019) PLAZA 745482e7d635748b2b0c1fd200897c3b

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