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Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks for Everyone: 50 Step-by-Step Card, Coin, and Mentalism ... Empty Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks for Everyone: 50 Step-by-Step Card, Coin, and Mentalism ...

Jue Abr 04, 2024 12:35 pm

Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks for Everyone: 50 Step-by-Step Card, Coin, and Mentalism ... 03a1e104d20a7769d09be56715859549

epub | 16.6 MB | English | | Author: Oscar Owen | Year: 2021


"The ultimate guide to mastering the art of magic." -Business Insider
"A must-have for any aspiring magician." -Mashable
Learn to perform 50 unbelievable magic tricks that will impress and astonish any audience!
Features QR codes with links to trick videos for easy learning and visual aid!

This delightful book reveals some of magic's best-kept secrets, showing you step-by-step exactly how the tricks are done from multiple angles. Learn easy-yet-mystifying card tricks, awe-inspiring coin tricks, mentalism tricks for reading someone's mind, deceptive bets, and amazing visual tricks that you can do with everyday objects, including how to:
[*]Make a pen disappear
[*]Levitate a dollar
[*]Send a cup through a table
[*]Tear a napkin and restore it to its original state
[*]Put a need through a balloon without popping it
[*]Crack an apple open with your bare hands
[*]And more!

In addition to these jaw-dropping tricks, this book provides readers with: [*]QR Codes with trick videos for visual aid
[*]Practice and performance tips
[*]Jokes to use when performing
[*]Additional resources
[*]And more!

Ultimately, by the end of this book not only will you know fifty mind-blowing magic tricks, but you will also know exactly how to perform them confidently. The book is the perfect gift for aspiring magicians or anyone who wants to impress their family and friends!

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