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Category Five Boxed Set by Michael McBride  Empty Category Five Boxed Set by Michael McBride

Miér Mar 08, 2023 10:22 am

Category Five Boxed Set by Michael McBride  8d5e9b64c4cd1e1e5c98f895a3ea83ad

epub | 635.6 KB | English | Isbn:N/A | Author: Michael McBride | Year: 2012

A boxed set of five novellas from bestselling Kindle author Michael McBride, including more than 100,000 words of fiction.

Category Five includes the complete texts of Blindspot, Brood XIX, The Calm Before the Swarm, Xibalba, and Zero.

Blindspot: A top secret military project allows Dr. Parker Ramsey to see the moment of death through the eyes of the dead.

Brood XIX: A woman must discover the secret behind her daughter's abduction and the appearance of the mysterious Brood XIX.

The Calm Before the Swarm: An investigator for the CDC reveals that the mechanism of our ultimate extinction is hiding in plain sight.

Xibalba: A scientific expedition into a godforsaken jungle opens the gate to hell itself.

Zero: The creation of an artifical limb unlocks the secrets of eternal life.


"A thrilling adventure! Fans of Michael Crichton will love it!" - Jeff Strand, Author of Pressure, on Burial Ground

"A taut, fast-paced thrill ride." - Famous Monsters of Filmland, on Blindspot

"The Calm Before The impressively dark, utterly bleak...and chillingly plausible." - Twilight Ridge

"Full-on terror!" - Horror World, on Xibalba

"With Zero, Michael McBride has crafted a Science Fiction-Horror hybrid that would have been perfect as one of the better episodes of The Outer Limits." - Hellnotes


Michael McBride is the bestselling Kindle author of the novels Burial Ground, Bloodletting, Innocents Lost, Predatory Instinct, The Coyote, and Vector Borne, as well as the novellas The Calm Before the Swarm, Blindspot, Brood XIX, and Zero. He lives in Westminster, Colorado with his wife and children.


Category Five Boxed Set by Michael McBride  82292ccf29364dd9131c066a6b966a81
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