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Session  Saving Abbie book 3 - Alabaster, Maggie  Empty Session Saving Abbie book 3 - Alabaster, Maggie

Dom Ene 08, 2023 1:35 am

Session  Saving Abbie book 3 - Alabaster, Maggie  Qy5g2d7164hdrudv9

epub | 246.23 KB | English | Isbn:‎ B0B9B9C225 | Author: Alabaster, Maggie, Bradley, Jo | Year: 2023

The world tour has begun, but not everyone is happy about it.
While some audiences have embraced me as well as the guys, others haven't forgotten my past. They remind me of it every chance they get. Sometimes they throw more than words.
At the same time, I'm caught between exploring my sensory side with lead guitarist Tully, and dealing with the guy's popularity with other women.
If we can stay united for long enough, we might survive a new enemy, while an old enemy becomes an ally.
Or do they?
**This is a reverse harem, rock star romance with big instruments, mm and mafia families.**
Category:Contemporary Romance Fiction, Billionaire Romance, Contemporary Romance
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