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Brit(ish) by Afua Hirsch Empty Brit(ish) by Afua Hirsch

Dom 24 Mar 2024 - 20:58

Brit(ish) by Afua Hirsch 367344e54c181158469a648504a15181

epub | 29.3 KB | English | | Author: Afua Hirsch | Year: 2018


Random House presents the audiobook edition of Brit(ish): Why We Need to Talk About Race written and read by Afua Hirsch.
Afua Hirsch is British. Her parents are British. She was raised, educated and socialised in Britain. Her partner, daughter, sister and the vast majority of her friends are British. So why is her identity and sense of belonging a subject of debate? The reason is simply because of the colour of her skin.
Blending history, memoir and individual experiences, Afua Hirsch reveals the identity crisis at the heart of Britain today. Far from affecting only minority people, Britain is a nation in denial about its past and its present. We believe we are the nation of abolition, but forget we are the nation of slavery. We sit proudly at the apex of the Commonwealth, but we flinch from the legacy of the Empire. We are convinced that fairness is one of our values, but that immigration is one of our problems.
Brit(ish) is the story of how and why this came to be, and an urgent call for change.
'Brit(ish) is a wonderful, important, courageous book, and it could not be more timely: a vital and necessary point of reference for our troubled age in a country that seems to have lost its bearings. It's about identity and belonging in 21st-century Britain: intimate and troubling; forensic but warm, funny and wise.' - Philippe Sands

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