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Storm Chaser  New York Storm - Matilda Martel  Empty Storm Chaser New York Storm - Matilda Martel

Mar 4 Oct 2022 - 18:38

Storm Chaser  New York Storm - Matilda Martel  2sxp8l20c2g043dur

epub | 520.47 KB | English | Isbn:‎ B0B781F138 | Author: Matilda Martel | Year: 2022



I don't know the first thing about hockey.
The only spectator sport that fits into my parents' tidy little world involves racquets and thoroughbred stallions. Hockey doesn't make the cut---few things do.
Nothing real or gritty seeps into their Park Avenue world. Nothing but the cream of high society---people with fancy names, perfect clothes, and boring lives.
And I'm just like them.
But that was before I won a contest with an incredible grand prize---free tickets to watch the New York Storm play their championship game. It's something new, exciting, and a chance to taste a different side of life.
The experience changes me---inside out. The sight of team captain Wade Wolfe does funny things to my heart and awakens a side of me I want to explore.
He's wild, dangerous, and the sexiest man I've ever seen.
Head over heels, I follow him daily, watching from the shadows, lurking behind every corner, and praying one day he'll look into my eyes and see how much I love him.

Who has time for love? I've got a game to play and a team to lead. My short career is nearing its end, and when that day comes, I'll have the rest of my life to sift through the many women who want to share my bed. That day will come soon enough, and when I meet the right girl, I'll hang up my skates and build whatever life she wants. Now is not the time to get sidetracked.
Or maybe it is.
I have an admirer. They tell me I have plenty, but she's the only one I seek out in a crowd. A beautiful girl with dark hair and bright green eyes follows me wherever I go. She doesn't know how to be subtle, but she knows how to be adorable.
The more I catch her, the more I miss her when she's not around. When my mystery girl disappears, I hunt her down and find out she's way out of my league.
It's too bad she's already mine.

Category:Sports Romance, Two-Hour Romance Short Reads, Single Authors Short Stories
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